A vessel for its own life
17.01 - 09.02.25
Utstillingen presenterer 6 fotografiske verk og et tilhørende dikt under tittelen “A vessel for its own life” som tar for seg fotografiets egen eksistens i møte med det kroppslige minnet. Kan sjelen bli fysisk? Jeg har aldri møtt mine organer med synet, mitt minne av hånden er ofte med et glass. Her møtes det figurative og det abstrakte for å tilby en refleksjon over grensen mellom kropp, minne, rom, fotografi, og poesi:
drypper ned i sukkerspinn
hårete i lyst blikk
av selvopplevelse - vil minnet om
håndens liv endres
av glass til mørke
strier sjelens stumhet
overtar kroppens detalje
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“A vessel for its own life” opens on January 17th at Kuro/F5. This is my first exhibition in Oslo and I am pleased to present 6 photographic works and a poem under the title “A vessel for its own life” which deals with the entity of photography as simulacrum and the memory of the body/subject. In these works the viewer is offered a stage for reflection on the boundary between body, space, photography, and poetry.
The poem comes out of a working process where I often use text as a tactile bodily experience to further understand my own process and the works I create - a kind of bridge to the subconscious. I refrained from translating the poem in hopes that it could inspire stranger meanings without the cultural-linguistic context.
drypper ned i sukkerspinn
hårete i lyst blikk
av selvopplevelse - vil minnet om
håndens liv endres
av glass til mørke
strier sjelens stumhet
overtar kroppens detalje
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Feathered, 2024 / Chromogenic print, 38 x 57 cm Edition of 5 + 1 Artist proof / Framed (mounted on aluminium)
Three eyes, 2021-24 / Silver gelatin print, 45 x 57 cm Edition of 2 + 1 Artist proof / Framed (mounted on aluminium)
Glass hand, 2024 / Chromogenic print, 33 x 38 cm Edition of 3 + 1 Artist proof / Framed (mounted on aluminium)
Track and arm, 2022-24 / Silver gelatin print, 45 x 57 cm Edition of 2 + 1 Artist proof / Framed (mounted on aluminium)
Black fall, 2018-24 / Chromogenic print, 38 x 57 cm Edition of 3 + 1 Artist proof / Framed (mounted on aluminium)
Marked, 2022-24 / Silver gelatin print, 72 x 91.5 cm Edition of 2 + 1 Artist proof / Framed (mounted on aluminium)